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A member registered Nov 24, 2021

Recent community posts

You have nothing to be sorry for my friend. Simple problem and you responded immediately with the fix. BIG fan of your games. Ghostscape and Being One are awesome. Thank you for the great entertainment....

Worked like a charm. I had dropped the resolution to 640X480 so I'm guessing I went the opposite direction. Never thought to increase. Thank You..

Far right side pentagon wheel not accessible. I know it's been 4 yrs since you posted the game but I have always liked your games and I just ran across it now. Paid the asking price as you certainly deserve it and have never had an issue with your games until now. I have tried everything I could think of. Uninstalled game and reinstalled, changed resolution and searched every where in the beginning to see if the far right pentagon was hidden some where else. Nada.. Hopefully you can relay some actions I can take. Really looking forward to playing but without the far pentagon I'm dead in the water. Thanks